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Bin Yinshuo in autumn and July. Ehai, there are eight Jinli people in the river. The king of Heng is gorgeous. Maobishang esophageal system in Maozhao County, Taicang Guangyuntan to return to Sinong Temple.

In August Bing Shenshuo judged the branch by Sikong and Pingzhang; Wang Bo, the waiter of the Ministry of Industry, served as Henan Yin and replaced Wang Qi; he served as an official waiter from the beginning; Xu Hui, a former observer of Fuzhou, served as a waiter of the Ministry of Industry. Its night, too white, too small. Twenty worshippers of Taoism were sent to the Pavilion Court of the Inner Palace with Zhou Xiyuan, a magistrate in Western Zhejiang Province. They were asked to use Taoist skills to understand Zhang Guo and Ye Jingneng. The observation in Western Zhejiang makes Li Deyus remarks absurd and unreasonable. Gengxu took Taifuqing and Li Xian as observation envoys in Jiangxi. Ding ugou night, the moon offends public opinion ghosts. Jia Jingzhao Yin, Liu Qichu and Doctor Yu Shi. In the face of ugliness, Tai Changqing Cui Shangshu, a provincial governor in the provincial Office of the proofreader, a provincial governor in the eastern capital, a staying official in the eastern capital, and a defensive envoy in the eastern capital of Rudu.

In September, Ding Choushuo feasted at Xuanhe Hall and Chen Baiju, from Jiaxun to Fangzi. Wu Yin, the envoy of Hedong Festival, the disciple of the minister, and the concurrent servant of Li Guangyan Zu. Out of the internal Treasury money, so that Neiyuan recruit Li Shi. Youzhou Salt Military Music: It is well known that Li Zaiyi and his brother Zaining killed Zhu Yansi and more than 300 of his family members together, and then pushed Zaiyi to stay behind. Ren Shen, Prime Minister Li Cheng was the envoy of Hedong, who stayed in Beidu. The Changchun Palace House in Tongzhou, which is under the control of the household department, should be managed by the household department.

Winter and October are not new. In the year of 1911, Li Zaiyi was appointed Deputy Ambassador of Lulong Jun Festival and knowledgeable of festival affairs by the army and horses in Youzhou. Renxu took Cui Nao, a scholar in Zhongshushe, as his courtesy waiter.

Jia Zishuo in November, Dr. Zhao Guizhenchong, Taoist scholar of the Taiqing Palace, was a professor of both street gates. The emperor catches foxes late at night, which is called “beating night foxes“ in the palace. Xu Suizhen, Li Shaoduan and Yu Hongzhi, the middle officials, were not able to cut their posts. Ren Shen, with the Ministry of Household Shangshu certificate inspection Military Shangshu, and Guangzhou assassination history, Chongling South Festival envoy. Jiashen, with right servant shooting, Tongping Zhangshi Li Fengji, Tongping Zhangshi, Xiangzhou assassination history, Chongshan South East Road Festival Envoy, Linhan Jianmu Envoy. Yi You, Pei Wuzu of Tongzhou Acupuncture History. They are ugly, imperial officials and Fangzhen households are not allowed to leave their private bodies in vain. In the past, Yang Yuling was left in Dongdu as the prince Shaofu. Li Fengyi, Wang Weizhi and Cheng Shouzhen each had thirty sticks, which were distributed among the mausoleums; Yan Hongyu, Xuanhui envoy, and Liu Hongyi, deputy envoy, each had twenty sticks. New Years Day in December. Xin Chou, the emperor hunted at night and returned to the palace. He played basketball with officials Liu Keming, Tian Wucheng and Xu Wenduan. Army generals Su Zooming, Wang Jiaxian and Shi Dingkuan drank alcohol.

The first month of the Spring Festival in Dahe is Gui Haishuo. Geng Wu took Du Dulang, a minister in Imperial history, as his household waiter, and Wenchang, a minister in military affairs, as his official. Its night. The moon hides the stars. Wu Yin, with Zuo Sanqi Changshi Li Yi as the Minister of ritual Shangshu, and Jing Zhaoyin Liu Guichu as the Minister of perch observation. Yu Ao, the former household minister, served as Xuanhe Observation Envoy and represented Cui Qun, while Yu Ao, the former Minister of military affairs, served as a Book advocate. In the meantime, Yu Chengxuan, an official minister, served as a Beijing Zhaoyin and an imperial doctor. Bing Shen, replaced two auxiliary, six male, ten hope, ten tight 34 states do not drive. Its various military and ambassadorial posts in Beijing and at home and abroad are not limited by its name. In Jihai, Zhang Zhengfu, a master of Jixian Temple and a judge, served as the Ministry of engineering. Xin Chou, the former Guangzhou Festival Envoy Cui Zhi, was a household minister. He inspected Sikong and Tai Changqing by Major Prince and Li Jiang, the east capital of the division. Yisi, Royal Danfeng Tower, Amnesty, Yuan Dahe. Jia Yin, the date of departure of the envoys for observing the rhythms of various ways, should be in the form of delivery, but still limited to the new envoys to analyze and listen to music in any month, with the most of the 0 halls. Bingchen took Qian Hui, the governor of Huazhou, as the right Minister of Shangshu, and Cui Hongli, the former envoy of Heyang Festival, as the military envoy of Huazhou Town. Not yet, Xiao Fu, the princes sub-division of Shao Bao, was the right servant to check and shoot, and the Ministry of propriety still kept books. To Qianzhou Shihan is about Annan Duhu.

In March, Geng Xushuo, Lieutenant Liang Shouqian of the Right Army, invited him to serve as an official, and made Wang Shoucheng a privy officer. Wu Yin, a former Secretary Supervisor in Suzhou, still gave Jin Zi. Renwu, Judge Zhang Hongjings family members of Li Zaiyis play in Youzhou were 190 and sent to Queen. April Ren Chen Shuo. In Dusi, Prince Yang Yuling, the younger fu, served as an official by shooting at his right servant. All the salaries were given. On the afternoon of Jiawu, Fengxiang built Linmicheng 80 Li northwest of Miyang County. Ren Yin, destroyed the east of Shengyang Hall to release duck pavilion; Wu Shen, destroyed the 10 guard buildings beside Xianmen: and Jingzong also built it. Zhang Zunwei, the former governor of Bozhou, was the Minister of Yongguan. Yi Mao, with the Ministry of Rites Shangshu Xiao Fu as the princes division. Not yet, the loyal army made Wang Peizhu. Gengshen, Ethers servant Qing Gao Lu checked Zuo Sancai, who served as a regular servant, loyal to the martial arts. Jisi, Deputy envoy of the Dongdao Festival, relegated to Shannan, Li Xun was the history of Fuzhous assassination. Sima Zhang, the marching officer of Shannans Dongdao, was the new history of Tingzhous assassination, and Li Fengjis party was the same.

May Ren Xushuo. Wuchen, imperial edict:“The head of state, the head of state, the monarch and the minister, have the same profound meaning, and should be frank. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt. However, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, they have declined to take part in hegemony and make unreasonable suggestions about search because of their habits. He believed in the table and believed deeply in it. He made the princes Fang Yue, drum harmony and Daoism, and the ferrets flew away, swimming freely and doing meritorious deeds. Whats wrong with Taizai? From now on, when Zichen sat down in the court, all the bureaucrats retreated and the ministers resumed their work, and their supervisors should stop searching.“C Zi, with the Tianping Army Festival Envoy, the Shishi apprentice and the Wu Chongxu of Pingzhang affairs under Tongzhong Shumen as the Henghai Navy Festival Envoy; the former Vice Envoy of Henghuang Navy Festival, the State Envoy of the Inspector, Shi Tongjie, the Zuoshang Changshi of the Inspector, as well as Yanzhou Acupuncture History, served as Yanhai Yimi and other state Festival Envoys. On Gawai Bo Shi Xiancheng, we are in peace. Jiashen, Huainan Festival, Salt and Iron, Transportation and so on made Wang sow to the dynasty. C Xu night, the right law enforcement.

In June, Xin Maoshuo, an official who often participated in civil and military affairs, was unable to attend the court. According to the amount of money, he was fined 25 articles per time. He used Huainan Festival Deputy Ambassador, Zhijie Festival Affairs, in-house farming observation and treatment of inspectors and herdsmen in Linhai, as well as other ambassadors such as Zhudao Salt and Iron Transport, Yin Qingguanglu Doctor, Inspector General Kong, Tongzhong Shumen Ping Zhang Shi, Yangzhou Dadu Governors History, Shangzhu State, Taiyuan Kaiguobo County, seven hundred Kings of Shiyi broadcasting Keshanshu left servant, Tongzhong Shumen Ping Zhang Shi Shi Shi, and acted as the former ambassadors of Zhudao Salt and Iron Transport.。 Doctor Duan Wenchang was the envoy of Huainan Festival. Bing Shen, Zuo Silangzhong, also served as the chief minister of the imperial court. Kui Mao, imperial edict:“In Yuanhe and Changqing, because of the use of troops, power to help, the system is difficult to pass. It is advisable for Shangshu to save yuan and have already come to make an edict. Detailed deletion of the edict will be sent to the book door for finalization.“Jiayin, a prisoner in drought. Xin Youshuo in July. Guihai, Li Jiang, Taichangqing, entered the feudal state of Wei. Li Tongjie got rid of Yan and Hai, and was not subjected to the imperial edict. He set up a rebellion in Jieyou Town. Gui You was buried in Zhuangling Mausoleum. Xin Si, you have the right to hold it in Dongdu this year. Wang Zhixing of Xuzhou asked the whole army to discuss Li Tongjie.

In August, Geng Yinshuo took Du Gulang, a waiter of the Ministry of Industry, as the observation envoy of Fujian Province, Pei Hongtai, the Taifu Qing, as the strategic envoy and observation envoy of the Central Guizhou Province. Zuo Pushen gave Yang Yuling his salary and allowed him to do so. Gengzi, the imperial decree robbed Li Tongjie of his official rank. Zhang Maozhong was the envoy of Yan, Hai, Yi and Mijie. Xin Chou, Ying Nings festivity makes him inherit the simple pawn. Ren Yin, with the Ministry of Criminal Justice Shangshu Liu Gongquo inspecting the left servant shooting, filling Ying Ningjie envoy. Wu Shen took Zhang Zhongfang, an advisory doctor, as Fujian observation envoy. The former Fujian observation made Dulang die alone.

Gengshenshuo in September. He Hai, a general of the Left Shen Army and a knowledgeable military officer He Wenzhe, served as his envoy, Fang, Dan and Yanjie. Jiaxu, with Zuo Shen Ce Jun and Zhi Jun Li Yong as the sole protectors, invigorates Wu and Lin Sheng to make the most of the envoys. Ding Chou, Li Deyu and Eastern Zhejiang were sent to inspect and verify the Book of Rites by Yuanzhen. Renwu, Guiguan observation made Liu Qichu die. C Xu, taking Xiao Yu, a discussing doctor, as the Guiguan observation envoy. Duo ugly, Yanzhou replaced Laiwu County.

November is not yet new. Bingshen, Xue Pingzuo Yuxiang County in the river has the view of white tiger entering Lingfeng. Balance, Henghai and other military envoys, disciples, with the Zhongshu Gate under the Ping Zhang Wu Tongxu death. Gengchen made Li Lian an envoy of the Horizontal Navy in terms of the festivity of the Baoyi Army, Jinci and other inspections and disposals. It is located in the Fuli River of Jinzhou and Cizhou. Guisi took Zuo Mings Qian Hui as the history of Huazhous assassination. Ding You, Youjinwu